Pradeep Ray

Auto Email In tally ( Voucher & Outstanding Report)

Title: Enhancing Business Efficiency: Automating Email Communications in Tally


Importance of effective communication in business operations
Challenges faced in manual email communication processes
Integration of Email with Tally:

Overview of Tally’s email integration capabilities
Configuring email settings within Tally
Establishing SMTP server connections for seamless email delivery
Automated Email Notifications:

Setting up email notifications for critical events
Examples: Payment reminders, invoice acknowledgments, purchase order confirmations
Customizing email templates to reflect your brand identity
Scheduled Reports via Email:

Generating and automating email delivery of reports
Configuring scheduled report generation and email triggers
Examples: Sales reports, financial statements, stock statements
Payment Reminders and Receivables Management:

Automating payment reminder emails to customers
Defining email triggers based on due dates or outstanding amounts
Streamlining receivables management through automated communications
Vendor Communications and Purchase Orders:

Emailing purchase orders directly from Tally
Establishing seamless communication with suppliers
Enhancing efficiency in procurement processes
Customer Relationship Management:

Automating email communications for customer interactions
Sending personalized emails for order confirmations, delivery updates, and customer support
Strengthening customer relationships through timely and efficient communication
Employee Notifications and HR Communications:

Leveraging email automation for internal communications
Notifying employees about policy updates, leave approvals, and training programs
Improving employee engagement and information dissemination
Streamlining Business Workflows:

Integrating Tally with workflow automation tools
Automating email-based workflows for approvals, document sharing, and collaboration
Enhancing productivity and reducing manual intervention in business processes

Benefits of automating email communications within Tally for businesses
Streamlining operations, improving customer service, and increasing efficiency
Harnessing the power of automation to drive growth and success in the digital era
Note: This outline provides a general structure for a blog post on automating email communications in Tally. Each section can be expanded with detailed explanations, practical examples, and tips for effective implementation.

We are Providing very important addons. in default tally if you want to send email after bill booking (sales Voucher Entry). then need to click email button and fill all required information and send this, same as if you want to send outstanding report or ledger voucher then need to send one by one.

over come this problem we developed a addons in tally where at the time on saving the transaction ask to send email or not. if press yes then email will be send to your customer. we can use this addons the tally voucher like : – Sales, Purchase , Debit note , Credit note , Payment , Receipt.

Another features of this addons you can send ledger voucher , ledger outstanding and Confirmation of A/cs . if you want to send email bulk or one by one then you can use this addons .

Auto Email In tally ( Voucher & Outstanding Report) Read More »


We are develop a interesting addons in tally, update LR No. & LR Date with report. at the time of sales booking generally Tally operator have not receive LR No. & LR Date form transport. some time user ( Tally operator) didn’t have right to alter the transaction, and without alter transaction we can’t update these information.

over come this condition we are provide tally addons for update these information from report. Tally user just select the transaction and press update LR button after that input LR No. & LR Date , It will update in transaction level.

in this report have option to find the all pending to update LR No. and LR Number wise searching.

Also Display the information with respect transaction.


Customer Sales Register (Monthly & Yearly)

In accounting software very important thing for management MIS report. Management need to compare monthly or yearly sales customer wise, based on the sales decide scheme in the sales. if sales in down they do some necessary step as per company decision.

We are Provide addons sales performance report in tally, these addons can help to management to easily generate a report monthly & yearly .

Features :

On single Click you can generate the report.

Easy to filter customer and Date period.

Easy to export in excel / PDF .

Easy to Print.

Monthly Sales Report

Yearly Sales Report

Customer Sales Register (Monthly & Yearly) Read More »

Document Attachment in Tally.

At the time of entering your Voucher or creation of master you can attached any document (scan copy the respective information, Image File, PDF file or any other format).

Features: –

 Multiple document attachment in single Voucher

Document Name wise document will be attached.

You can also view document after attachment.

Report for attached document and pending Document.

Document View at the report level. (You can find out how many documents are attached and also view the document.)

Browse the file location and attached the document. (Generally, in tally you can’t use browse function, Using the DLL we are provide this option to browse the file location and attached the document)

Tally Prime and Tally ERP9 Both software support.

Document Attachment Screen (Click the Browse button you can select the file path if you want to view then click view button file will open in your system)
Using This Report you can file how many Voucher have document are attached and pending if you select all the all transaction will show.

Document Attachment in Tally. Read More »

Party Wise Product Wise Rate and Discount

We are provide very interesting addons in tally . you can set Party Wise product wise rate and discount in Tally.

Example : – for example ABC Company want to fixed Product Rate and Discount Party Wise then is addons can use. at the time of sales billing rate and discount will copy as per party master set. if you didn’t set Rate or discount in Party master Then normal tally function will work.

We are also provide excel utility to update the product rate and discount in Party Master.

you can update product Rate and discount using this screen.

Just Like Maintain Price List Party Wise.

Party Wise Product Wise Rate and Discount Read More »

Lock / Unlock Tally Transaction

 We are providing a very interesting and important addons in Tally. After Complete for Audit / GST Filling Lock your Transaction. No one can edit / Change your transaction.

Case: – suppose you match your passbook with your tally transaction after that any user are edit /Alter your transaction then you are facing very big issue, again need to match each transaction. Or suppose After GST Filling any user change the transaction or alter the transaction then same issue will occurs. Again, need to match each transaction.

Over come this issue we are providing a special addons in Tally so, you can lock and unlock your transaction. Admin can lock the transaction after that no one can edit / Alter This transaction. suppose admin want to unlock particular transaction then they can do, After Alteration they can again lock the same transaction.

Special Feature: -

*  Single / Multiple Transaction lock same time.

* Lock or unlock transaction form Daybook / GST Details Report.

* Report form Lock and unlock transaction.

Lock / Unlock Tally Transaction Read More »

Unlimited Level Of Voucher Approval

We Creating New addons in Tally. Administrator Can Create Number of Approval in Tally as per company decision.
for Example if company XYZ PVT LTD want to implement Transaction Approval in your company Then they create Number of approval then want to use. we are also share screen shot how they will be create level of approval.

User Approval Level

ID Will Be auto Generated as Per Approval Level.
After That user Creation screen mark user level as per screen.

Approval function will work .

One Important Point if admin and last level of approval do transaction Then no need to approval. if Level one will do transaction then level two and level three will approve. and we are also provide Approval History Report.

Unlimited Level Of Voucher Approval Read More »

Variable In TDL

In TDL, a Variable is one of the important definitions, since it helps to control the behavior of Reports and their contents. Variables assume different values during execution and these values affect the behavior of the Reports.
A Variable definition is similar to any other definition.
[Variable: ]
Attribute : Value
A Variable should be given a meaningful name which determines its purpose.

Attributes of a Variable

Type : – This attribute determines the Type of the value that will be held by the variable. The Types of
values that a variable can handle are String, Logical, Date and Number. In the absence of this
attribute, a variable assumes to be of the Type String, by default.
[Variable: ]
Type :

Default : – This attribute is used to assign a default value to a variable, based on the ‘Type’ defined.
[Variable: ]
Default :
Value of the variable should adhere to the data type specified with ‘Type’ Attribute.
[Variable : DSP HasColumnTotal]
Type : Logical
Default : Yes
The Default Initial Value for the logical Variable DSP HasColumnTotal is set to YES. This variable
will begin with an initial value YES in the Reports, unless overridden by the System Formula. We
will learn about the System Formula in the coming sections.

Persistent : –This attribute decides the retention periodicity of the attribute. If the attribute ‘Persistent’ is set toYES, then the latest value of the variable will be retained across the sessions, provided the variable is not a local variable. We will learn about the concept of local and global variables shortly.


[Variable: ]

Volatile : – In cases where the ‘Volatile’ attribute in the Variable definition is set to YES, the variable is capable of retaining multiple values, i.e., its original value with its subsequent values, are stored as a stack. The default value of this attribute is YES. In cases where a new report R2 is initiated, using a volatile variable V, from the current report R1, the current value of the volatile variable will be saved as in a stack, and the variable can assume a new value in the new report R2. Once the previous report R1 is returned back from the report R2, the previous value of the variable will be restored. A classic example of this is a drill-down Trial Balance.


[Variable: ]

Repeat : –This attribute is mainly used to achieve the Auto Column behaviour in various Reports. Each Column is created with a subsequent Object in a Collection automatically, till all the columns required for Auto Columns exhaust. The ‘Repeat’ attribute has its value as a variable which has the collection of Objects, for which the columns need to be generated. Every time the Repeat is executed, the column for the subsequent Object is added.


[Variable: ]
Repeat :

The Scope of a Variable : – The scope of a Variable can be broadly classified as follows:

  • Local
  • Global
  • Field acting as a variable

Local : – A Variable is termed as a local variable when it is associated to a Report. This means that the scope of the variable covers only the current report and its components. It is not mandatory for local variables to have an initial value.


[Report : ]

Global : –

A variable is termed as Global variable when it is defined under System Variable section. It means
that the scope of the variable covers all reports. An initial value is mandatory for global variables.

Note : – A Global Variable can also be made local to a Report by associating it to a Report, as
discussed in Local Variables above.

Field Acting as a Variable : – The Variable attribute in a ‘Field’ Definition is used to make the Field behave as a Variable. This means that as soon as some value is entered/altered in a Field, the variable assumes the same value with immediate effect. The Variable need not be defined previously, since it inherits its data type from the Field itself.

Note :- The Variables used in a Field Acting as a Variable are local variables, and are local to the Report.

Variable In TDL Read More »

Tally Definition Language

Tally Definition Language

Tally Definition Language is the application development language of Tally. TDL provides a development platform for the user. The entire User Interface of Tally.ERP 9 is built using TDL. TDL as a language provides capabilities for Rapid Development, Rendering, Data Management and Integration.

TDL is an Action-driven language based on definitions. It emphasizes strongly on the concept of re-usability. It comprises of Interface and Data objects. Interface Objects

mainly determine the behavior of the product in terms of user experience. Data objects are mainly used for data persistence in the Tally Database.

TDL is fourth generation language. In TDL we can design a complex report in few line of come.

Basic Diagram for write a Program:-


Pradeep Ray
Fig 1 Program Flow Chart


TDL Capabilities

  • Rapid Development
  • Multiple Output Capability
  • Data Management Capability
  • Integration Capability

In TDL language reuse the code. Example- if we are developing a report, then we can reuse the code for develop the another report. TDL also generate the multiple output format like Excel, Image, XML etc.  In TDL we can store the data in object. Using the TDL we can add the additional information field and store the data as per client requirement. But always this all data store in object. In Tdl Language have a capability to share the data across the platform. We can send the data in another application and also get the data form another application.  For integration we can use ODBC or XML request response process.

TDL Features

  • Definition Language
  • Non-Procedural Language
  • Action-Driven Language
  •  Rich Language
  • Flexibility and speed

First TDL Program

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add : Key Item : Before : @@LocQuit : First Example : F : Display : First Example

 Using This line we are add one menuin tally default screen before Quit. Name is First Example
 Display is a keyword for using this we are display the report in tally screen

[Report : First Example] – This is Report Defination

Form : First Example

[Form : First Example]

Part : First Example

[Part : First Example

Line : First Example

[Line : First Example]

Field: First Example

[Field : First Example]

Use : Short Name Field

Set as : $$Locale String:”Hello TDL”


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