Sales Order Processing in Tally Prime

Sales Order is an order placed by a customer for the delivery of specified goods at a given price. At the time of receiving the order from a customer for the specified goods that need to be supplied, the details of the items, quantity of how much goods need to be supplied, date and place of delivery, etc. are provided with the Sales Order Number. Finally, after the delivery of the goods, the same Sales Order is again tracked for the Order Details, either in the Delivery Note or in the Sales Invoice.

Example: -We are entering sales order on Date 01-03-2022 on ABC & Co. with Order no. ABC/21-22/002 with Following Product.

Product NameQtyRateAmount
Product One515007500
Product Two312003600

Gate of Tally – > Vouchers -> F10 (Other Vouchers) -> Select sales Order.

Sales Order Transaction in Tally
Sales Order Transaction Screen

Note: – Every product has a due date if you want to specify every product due date then the screen below will be displayed.

sales Order Product Wise due Date

Sales Order Report : – Gate of Tally – > Display – > Statement of inventory – > Sales Order Outstandings

Sales order Report Menu
SO Report Menu
Sales Order Report
All Order Report

in Report report level different type filter is available like Ledger, Stock Item, Stock Group etc.

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