Tally Definition Language

Tally Definition Language

Tally Definition Language is the application development language of Tally. TDL provides a development platform for the user. The entire User Interface of Tally.ERP 9 is built using TDL. TDL as a language provides capabilities for Rapid Development, Rendering, Data Management and Integration.

TDL is an Action-driven language based on definitions. It emphasizes strongly on the concept of re-usability. It comprises of Interface and Data objects. Interface Objects

mainly determine the behavior of the product in terms of user experience. Data objects are mainly used for data persistence in the Tally Database.

TDL is fourth generation language. In TDL we can design a complex report in few line of come.

Basic Diagram for write a Program:-


Pradeep Ray
Fig 1 Program Flow Chart


TDL Capabilities

  • Rapid Development
  • Multiple Output Capability
  • Data Management Capability
  • Integration Capability

In TDL language reuse the code. Example- if we are developing a report, then we can reuse the code for develop the another report. TDL also generate the multiple output format like Excel, Image, XML etc.  In TDL we can store the data in object. Using the TDL we can add the additional information field and store the data as per client requirement. But always this all data store in object. In Tdl Language have a capability to share the data across the platform. We can send the data in another application and also get the data form another application.  For integration we can use ODBC or XML request response process.

TDL Features

  • Definition Language
  • Non-Procedural Language
  • Action-Driven Language
  •  Rich Language
  • Flexibility and speed

First TDL Program

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add : Key Item : Before : @@LocQuit : First Example : F : Display : First Example

 Using This line we are add one menuin tally default screen before Quit. Name is First Example
 Display is a keyword for using this we are display the report in tally screen

[Report : First Example] – This is Report Defination

Form : First Example

[Form : First Example]

Part : First Example

[Part : First Example

Line : First Example

[Line : First Example]

Field: First Example

[Field : First Example]

Use : Short Name Field

Set as : $$Locale String:”Hello TDL”


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