In TDL (Tally Definition Language), which is the language used to customize Tally ERP software, there are several data types available for storing and manipulating data. Here are the common data types used in TDL
The Data Types in TDL specify the type of data stored in the field. TDL, being a business language, supports business data types like amount, quantity, rate, etc., apart from the other basic types. The data types are classified as
- Simple Data Types
- Compound Data Types.
Simple Data Type This holds only one type of data. These data types cannot be further divided into sub-types. String, Number, Date and Logical data types fall in this category.
Compound Data Type It is a combination of more than one data type. The data types that form the Compound Data Type are referred to as sub-data types. The Compound Data types in TDL are: Amount, Quantity, Rate, Rate of exchange and Aggregate.
The type for the field definition is specified using the Type attribute.
[Field : MYField]
Type : Number Field