May 2022

Rewrite Your Tally Company data

  1. Go to the Gateway of Tally or the Company Info. menu.
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+R . The List of Companies appears in the Rewrite Company screen, as shown below:
  3. Select the company for which you want to rewrite data.
  4. Press Enter to rewrite the data.

If you’re Tally. ERP 9 data is corrupted, so rewriting your data will help in restoring the original information.

When your company data is corrupted, then one of the following error messages might appear:

  1. Error Tranmgr.900 or Linkmgr.900 or Manager.900
  2. Error: File/Size/Position/Chars/Error Code
  3. Memory Access Violation
  4. Debug location error
  5. Data files damaged. Need to rewrite
  6. File damaged

Zero command rewrite (Zero rewrite Tally Data)

If the error still occurs, then you can try zero command rewrite. Ensure that you back up your existing data before performing this action.

1. Go to the Start menu on your MS Windows computer.

2. Click Run and enter Tally.exe followed by <file path> <data path> 0. For example, D:\Tally Prime\Tally.exe data 0.

3. Click Enter. The Gateway of Tally appears.

4. Press Ctrl+Alt+R. The List of Companies appears on the Rewrite Company screen, as shown below:

5. Select the company for which you want to rewrite data.

6. Press Enter to rewrite the data.

In tally prime one more option called Repair the data

  1. Go to the Gateway of Tally
  2. Click Help Button (Menu).
  3. Select Troubleshooting and Press enter.
  4. Select Repair menu.

After That all company List will be open you and select your company and repair the data.

Note: – Default company location will be displayed as per tally data setting. You can also change data location if your company is not displayed in the default location.

Tally Prime Data Repair Option.

Rewrite Your Tally Company data Read More »

Tally ODBC Driver Issue

Based on the Operating System bit (32/64) Tally has given the Exe. However, the Micro Soft Excel application should be compatible with O/S and Tally.ERP9.

Please note, on 64 Bit OS and 64Bit Tally.ERP9, a 32-Bit Excel application can act as a server with following steps.

Please download from the Portal- ‘Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable’.

  1. Install AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe Installed (steps given below separately.)
  2. Excel 32 Bit (Excel 2003) Installed – and acting as server
  3. Tally 64 Bit as Client –
    with ODBC Driver [ODBC: “Driver= {Microsoft Excel Driver (*.XSL, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)}; DBQ=C:Tally.ERP 9 4.5 Build 7Sample Data.xls;”]
    Tally 32 Bit as Client – with ODBC Driver [ODBC: “Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver *.xls)}; DBQ=Sample Data.xls”]

This will resolve the problem by NOT upgrading MS Office to 64 bits. You can continue using 32-bit application of Excel.

Tally ODBC Driver Issue Read More »

Part No and Alias update in Tally

This is a very important addons which is used to update part no and alias in tally. We are providing one report where all stock items, Alias and part no will be displayed.

You can export this report in excel format and update all details in excel. After that you can import in tally.

Note: – Before import excel sheet must be verified all stock item is created or not. If stock item is not created then error message will be displayed.

First Menu for display the report. And second for update Part no and Alias in Tally.
Export This report in excel format and update all alias and Part No After that you can import with same format.
Using This screen, you can update excel format.

This is sample excel file you can also updated all information in this format and update in tally.

Part No and Alias update in Tally Read More »

Batch wise manufacturer Name in Tally: –

 Product ID: – AST/08/05/2022/001

This is a very important addons for the pharma industry. Using these addons we can manage the manufacturer name in Tally.

For example: –

Suppose ABC & Company purchases Paracetamol with different – different company, and they want to maintain manufacturer name with batch name.

Using these addons easily maintain batch wise manufacturer name for track expire or sales movement all details.  

Also provide one report with manufacturer name, batch name.

You can easily track Stock in and out from a particular Manufacturer.

Following Process for use this addons.

Addons Enable Tally Company Wise.
Addons Enable in company where you want to use
Manufacturer Name create screen.
Creating the name of manufacturer Name in Tally.
Batch Wise manufacture name at the time of Stock opening
Add Batch Wise Manufacturer Name in stock opening.
Batch Wise Manufacturer in Sales transaction.
Batch Wise manufacturer Name is displayed.

We can also add manufacturer Name at the time of purchase transaction. this will display at the time of sales transaction.

Batch wise manufacturer Name in Tally: – Read More »