Row Material Rate and amount Fixed in BOM FG with Additional Ledger Details

This is Very Important addons in use manufacturing Process. Using This utility you can set Rate and amount at the time of BOM ( Bill of Material) Define.

In your Finished Goods Product or Semi Finished Goods Product you can set BOM as Per Process. Using this addons you can also Define rate amount of this Row Materials . This rate and amount will be auto display in Manufacturing Transaction. In BOM configuration you can also set additional Ledger Details . Like labour charge Or any other charges if you want to fixed for this particular FG. Ledger amount ( Additional Ledger Amount ) depend as per Unit which are set in master. If at the time of Manufacturing Qty is Increase or Decrease Then Amount will be Auto calculate.

we are also Provide screen shot for the same.

If you want demo Then Please contact with Us:

Row Material wise Rate and Amount setting with Additional ledger configuration
As Per BOM Configuration Transaction

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