;;;By Pradeep Ray ; It does not allow the user to enter the amount, if the cash balance is less than Zero. [#Part: CMP TallyShopFeatures Left] Add : Line : At End : CMPTallyShopFeaturesTallyAddonsNegativeCash [Line :CMPTallyShopFeaturesTallyAddonsNegativeCash] Field : Long Prompt,CMPTallyShopFeaturesTallyAddons Local : Field : Long Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Enable Negative Cash control?" [Field : CMPTallyShopFeaturesTallyAddons] Use : Logical Field Set Always: Yes Storage : VaibahvNagativeCashControl Set as : $$Value [System : UDF] VaibahvNagativeCashControl : Logical : 3333 [#Part: VCFG Accounts] Option: vv Accounts : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Part: vv Accounts] Local : Line : VCFG NegativeCash : Invisible : Yes AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner [#Field: VCH CrAmt] Option: vv CrAmt : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Field: vv CrAmt] Control : NegativeCash: NOT $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName AND + $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$IsDr:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner [#Field: ACLSAmt] Option: vv ACLSAmt : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Field: vv ACLSAmt] Control : NegativeCash : NOT $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName AND + $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$IsDr:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner [#Field: ACLSTotal] Option: vv ACLSTotal : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Field: vv ACLSTotal] Control : NegativeCash : NOT $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName AND + $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$IsDr:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner [#Field: DisburseAmt] Option: vv DisburseAmt : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Field: vv DisburseAmt] Control : NegativeCash : NOT $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName AND + $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$IsDr:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner [#Field: VCH Amount Template] Option: vv Template : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Field: vv Template] Control : NegativeCash : NOT $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName AND + $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$IsDr:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner [#Field: ACLSFixedLed] Option: vv ACLSFixedLed : $VaibahvNagativeCashControl:Company:##SvCurrentCompany [!Field: vv ACLSFixedLed] Control : NegativeCash : NOT $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName AND + $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName AND + NOT $$IsEmpty:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$IsDr:@@LedgerTotal AND NOT $$ISCMPOwner ;; End-of-File